Here are some questions that will help identify a need for trauma therapy;

Do you avoid group situations because you feel like you don’t fit in?

Are you easily disturbed by relatively insignificant happenings?

Do you isolate yourself because of lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem or fear of rejection?

Do you feel anxious or stressed most of the time?

Do you feel lonely, sad or worthless?

Do you experience repeated nightmares or flashbacks connected to a traumatic or abusive event?

Are you intensely afraid of being criticized, embarrassed, ridiculed or humiliated?

Do you physically and emotionally feel like you “go somewhere else,” even though you are physically present?

Do you avoid pain through alcohol or drug abuse, overworking or relationship addiction?

Do you experience extreme test or performance anxiety?

Have you been disappointed by the results from past therapy attempts that gave you partial or no relief?

Do you find that the more you try to talk yourself out of these feelings, the more intense and invasive they become?

Identifying the Need for Trauma Healing

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, there is a solution.  Unresolved trauma, abuse, and/or neglect are often the cause of these problems, and Trauma Therapy can be an effective solution.

Types of trauma that can be resolved with Trauma Therapy.

There are two categories of trauma:  “Big T” traumas, and “Little t” traumas.

“Big T” traumas are major events, including:

  • Death of a loved one.
  • Major illness, injury or health problem.
  • Severe emotional, physical or sexual abuse.
  • Automobile or other type of accident.
  • A relationship breakup involving a deep betrayal.
  • Abandonment or rejection by a parent or significant other.
  • Experiencing or witnessing a violent crime.
  • Involvement in military combat.
  • Experiencing a natural disaster, such as an earthquake.


“Little t” traumas are less intense in nature, but can have a significant long-term impact on your sense of well-being.  They include:

  • Not measuring up to the unrealistic expectations of a parent.
  • Experiencing painful or hostile family relationships as a child or adult.
  • Ongoing pervasive neglect by a parent or caregiver.
  • Being ignored or shunned by an important person.
  • Constant ridicule or criticism by an authority figure.
  • Being humiliated by a family member, friend or teacher.
  • Being bullied or harassed by a boss or co-worker.
  • Chronic physical pain.
  • Anxiety caused by a traumatic event experienced by a loved one.

Traumatic memories, if not resolved, can be re-activated by current events, causing ever-intensifying levels of disturbance and interference in your daily life.

Take the First Step…

I have been a trauma therapy specialist since 2004, using proven methods to effectively treat even the most deeply embedded, long-held traumatic memories.  If you are ready to free yourself of the debilitating emotional heaviness attached to your traumatic memories, I would like to help.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Linda K. Laffey, MFT

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