Not that Bad?  Why You Might Want to Consider EMDR for Life’s “Little” Traumas

Not that Bad? Why You Might Want to Consider EMDR for Life’s “Little” Traumas

By Linda K. Laffey, MFT It’s safe to say that life tends to deliver plenty of unexpected circumstances. Whether it’s a job loss, sudden cross-country relocation, or illness, “surprises” don’t always come neatly wrapped and stamped with a bow. As a result, these...
Struggling To Be Good Enough…Is Your Plan for Self-Improvement Healthy?

Struggling To Be Good Enough…Is Your Plan for Self-Improvement Healthy?

By Linda K. Laffey, MFT Toward the beginning of a new year, thoughts of self-improvement tend to take precedence in our society. While that trend isn’t wrong by any means, it’s best to approach significant life changes strategically and healthily. Otherwise, the...

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